Thursday, May 19, 2016


On an average day, a person in the UK to contact 125-900 advertising, while in North America, this figure can be up to 3000! How to attract the attention of customers in times of "narrow land, advertising winter" so?The answer is: Ambient advertising. 

Ambient Advertising is what?

Ambient Advertising translates as "ads in the surrounding environment." This term was first used in 1996 by Concord Advertising - an Agency specializing in outdoor advertising in the UK, the Agency is required to create "something different" in the ad.

This form of advertising by placing advertisements on objects or in unexpected places. With the "unique, unusual" and the ability of rich applications on many different vehicles: cars, bikes, taxis, buses, in shops, elevators, parks, telephone booths, shopping center ..., Ambient ads often receive special attention from customers.

Initially, the elements of "unusual location" deemed characteristic "identity" of advertising Ambient. However, later, people realize this is not entirely accurate. Because over time and with repetition of advertising, what is considered "strange" today can also become "familiar" with the customer only tomorrow. The first time you see an ad that could be considered unusual, but having seen it 12 times, it's a completely different job.Moreover, when there are so many unusual, things become normal again! Therefore, the location, along with the ability to perform and time, only 3 factors need to create an ambient advertising.

It may be tempting to define advertising as follows Ambient: Ambient ads are ads placed in the context (location) unusual and unexpected, is appearing for the first time or single (temporal) by authoritarian methods originality (execution) (as defined by Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge).

In short, new, innovative, and time is the key to key an ad nun Ambient.

Ambient Advertising and Out-of-home

As noted above, the origin of the ad originate from the Agency Ambient specializing in outdoor advertising, therefore, may be considered advertising Ambient is a higher development of type Out of Home advertising.However, advertising Ambient also some differences:

  • Focus more on the tactics to create a surprise, humor and creativity to attract the attention of customers.
  • More attractive outdoor advertising, and thus, less waste than. Compared to outdoor advertising, you can not ignore or actively choose to watch ads that you like.
  • Often only reveal part messages, thus potentially stimulating Ambient viewers learn about the brand.
  • How to object "discovered" creative Ambient: Ambient effectiveness of a lot depends on the level of surprise, creativity and discover how ads recipient.
  • Approach: if compared to conventional advertising (advertising reach through images, sounds and words), then with Ambient, approach is the context.
  • Ambient advertising are not limited to, unusual specimens placed outdoors but can encounter anywhere.

Why is advertising Ambient?

While advertising costs increasing and users are increasingly clever marketers increasingly expressed interest in a unique kind of advertising with the following reasons:

  • Ambient ads easily attract attention. Every day, we are exposed to hundreds, even thousands of ads, not only that, with this type of advertising, we also have the right to actively look or not see, hear or not hear. But privately Ambient advertising, you can not know in advance where you will see it, and sometimes, you can even own the initiative to learn about it.
  • Also because properties "toxic", "weird" and creative type of advertising should be capable of high viral. Especially in times of social networks, just a picture is uploaded, your ad will also have access to thousands of people, attracted hundreds of people to see and get the high level of interest newspapers. Therefore, you do not need to spend too much cost effective and still achieve high viral.

How to create an ad Ambient

  • The key to success of an ad is the selection Ambient media forms optimum availability combined with the message to achieve high efficiency. This type of advertising gives each person a different way of thinking about the same places or things. This form of advertising is extremely creative and stimulates curiosity of viewers a most powerful way.

  • One common method for advertising creativity is Ambient enlarge or shrink an object. When he saw something too big or too small compared with the normal size, you will not be able to resist, but to stop and stare.

An alternative is to use things not related but have a similar department or a similar use to create the element of surprise in the ad.

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