Friday, May 20, 2016


Beautiful body can not only after a day of fasting, drinking lifestyle that is going to be maintained throughout life. Byrdie journal helped you sum up the habits of the classics she has 3 standard round the world. 

1. Always be prepared

Want to control the diet properly, you must always be prepared in advance. Up the available menus will eat for the next day, or calculate the calories will tolerated on the body to balance the packed during the day, of the week.Especially when you're dieting requires the strict rules such as low carb or clean eating (eating), this is a very necessary step.
The preparation will cause you not to rush into the row of bars to fill the hungry or the food loaded the unconscious of the "ghost" as of 10 am, 4 pm, 9 pm.
The time between meals is also very important, a minimum of 4 hours between the 2 main meals and 12 hours between the times of the first and the last meal of the day to make sure you don't go hungry.

2. The food is over processed

Stir-fried dishes are reduced, that is fried, fried in the menu and instead of salad, vegetables, fruit and vegetable. In addition, you should eat fruits before 2 pm so the body has time to consume the energy created and reduce the risk of diabetes.It is best you do not give way on his Smoothie dishes. Let's combine foods to create natural sweetness or replace the sugar with xylitol, honey.

3. Drink lots of water

On average, an adult should drink 2-3 litres of water a day depending on the body weight. Start with a large glass of water after getting up and finishing with a Cup before going to sleep. You can change with the type of water detox but don't give way.

4. Eat eggs

Eggs, salmon, red meat is what foods contain many vitamins and omega, are recommended for breakfast should be used to activate the body and make sure to provide enough energy for a long day. However, don't eat eggs and milk in the morningIf desired, add to the sandwich, pasta ...

5. Take photos "live virtual"

Dining table arrangements, prepare delicious dishes to have beautiful photographs will stimulate your taste buds. This is also a good way to record your food diary every day, from there you will have a comprehensive look about their eating habits.

6. Spend 15 minutes each day to exercise

15 minutes a day is enough to the body sweating and had a chance to chill bones Stadium. If you make good, 15 minutes with cardio or HIIT-high intensity exercises will also help you burn calories significantly.

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